10 Hidden Gems in Lithuania Worth Exploring

10 Hidden Gems in Lithuania Worth Exploring

Lithuania is a country that’s full of surprises. Though it may not be as popular as other European destinations, it boasts of some truly amazing attractions that are worth exploring. From natural wonders to historic sites, Lithuania is a treasure trove of hidden gems waiting to be discovered. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at 10 hidden gems in Lithuania that are worth exploring.

Chasing the Northern Lights in Lithuania: Tips and Locations

Chasing the Northern Lights in Lithuania: Tips and Locations

The Northern Lights, or Aurora Borealis, are one of the most awe-inspiring natural phenomena on earth. This incredible display of light and color is caused by solar particles colliding with the earth’s atmosphere, and is usually seen in regions close to the magnetic poles. While the best-known locations to witness the Northern Lights are in the northern regions of Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland, Lithuania also offers some excellent opportunities to experience this stunning display. In this article, we will explore the best tips and locations for chasing the Northern Lights in Lithuania.

A Guide to Coastal Towns in Luthuania and Beaches for Summer Fun

A Guide to Coastal Towns in Luthuania and Beaches for Summer Fun

Lithuania, a small country located in the Baltic region of Europe, boasts a beautiful coastline with numerous picturesque coastal towns and stunning beaches. With the arrival of summer, Lithuanians and tourists alike flock to the coast for some fun in the sun, and to escape the hustle and bustle of city life. In this guide, we will take you on a journey along the Lithuanian coast, highlighting some of the best coastal towns and beaches for summer fun.